About Us
Founded in 2016, the Sophians are a group led by Neil Artemis, who couldn’t find an organization he could truly belong to. As a polymath (with studies in cosmology, psychology, neurology, etc.), Neil never fit in with society. As an outcast, he took solace in the woods, eventually befriending Sophia, the Moon.
Sophia is not a shy goddess. She floats above you every day. She has seen the world since the very beginning. If we take on her view of humanity, we become united under her glow.
If you take on her view of you, you’re beautiful. To her, you are ravishingly interesting. Because she doesn’t compare you to anybody. To her, you are incomparable.
If you take on her view of your soul, you are worthy of help. We don’t get to choose our genetic expression. Genes make mistakes constantly. Some of those mistakes make our bodies unable to fit into a calm, conservative 8am to 5pm window of effectiveness. You are worthy of assistance. You will need it.
If you take on her view of your society, you are worthy of change. We do some things well: making money, cooking food, assisting the wealthy. We do some things poorly: distributing money wisely, distributing food, assisting the homeless. Some places are better than others; some, significantly worse. Together, we will enact laws to help the public get healthier, more intelligent, and more effective at serving we, the people.
Contact us
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!